Goodbye to Fossil Fuels
Scientists are in full agreement that CO2 from burning fossil fuels has fundamentally altered Earth’s climate. Without action, consequences include drought, starvation, chaos and war. The Pentagon calls climate change a “threat multiplier” and a national security risk.
To avoid the worst, we must hold global warming to 2°C (we are already halfway there), by keeping about 80% of known coal, gas and oil reserves in the ground. The companies owning these assets are therefore greatly overvalued. In economic terms, it’s a “carbon bubble”, and remains an elephant in the room for investors. Our business community calls climate change a “risky business”, recognizing that a rapid switch from fossil fuels to clean energy is by far the safest path for our economy. The social cost of carbon is simply too high. In recent years, even stalwart conservative voices have argued for a tax on carbon, including James Baker, and former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson.
The natural gas industry has long claimed that natural gas is a “clean bridge fuel”, since it produces less CO2 than coal. However, as NASA has confirmed, large amounts of “fugitive methane emissions” escape during harvesting and delivery of natural gas. Methane is up to 86X more potent than CO2 over a 20-year time frame, making gas just as bad as burning coal.
Unbelievably, we are all subsidizing the fossil fuel industry. According to the IMF, the production and burning of coal, oil and gas was subsidized to the tune of $5.9 trillion in 2020, or $11 million per minute. Not a single country, they point out, is pricing its fuels “sufficiently to reflect their full supply and environmental costs.” The first step in getting market forces to help us address climate disruption is to price carbon fuels accurately, and stop pretending that illness, war, extreme weather, climate mitigation, and forced retreat from our coasts are costs we can continue to overlook!
The LA wildfires...You're looking at a crime scene.
Where Does Plastic Come From?
Where plastic comes from, and where it ends up...
Three Pack-a-Day Sky
Canada is on fire. Burn the forests and they burn us back.
Apocalypse Isn’t So Cheap
There will never be people free as the fossil fuel industry.
Follow Me
Follow Me
You don't believe "climate science?" Really?
It’s Love or It’s Money
Destroying our only home for profit is nuts!
Shoveling Coal on a Runaway Train
In a hot world, stop burning things!
Exxon Knew
Exxon has been lying about climate for over 40 years.
Leaving California
How long can people remain here?
Keeps On Coming Down
Sea change, losing shorelines and history.
Time for weathermen to tell the truth.
Song for West Virginia
Hostage to the coal industry for over a hundred years.
Scott Pruitt’s EPA
Scott Pruitt's EPA - Everyone Pollute America!
I know all that water isn't real, but it sure is cold!
Humanity has created its own geologic era. Really.
Fracking is Everywhere
Something is going on, Pennsylvania, down on the farm.
Chasing Ice Blues
How can I simplify? Miami's gonna say goodbye.
Black Serpent
Brave Lakota face the Dakota Pipeline juggernaut.
Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!
America deserves better than government by money.
The Social Cost of Carbon
Here are a few of the hidden costs of fossil fuels.
Exxon Knew All Along
The crime of the century. Really.
Elephant Loose on Wall Street
Stranded assets are an economic time bomb..
The Ballad of Pope Francis
Climate denial's a sin, and a crime against all.
Seattle, Don’t Back Down!
David vs. Goliath. Seattle goes into battle in kayaks.
Fracking’s Just a Bad Dream
Don't poison your water. Energy ain't cheap if it ain't clean.
The Climate Gamblers
If you're betting on tomorrow, divest from fossil fuels today!
What’s in a Number?
Here are a few important numbers about climate change.
Only Love Will Save this Place
To the free market, all the world is a "sacrifice zone".
That Is Not The Case
Combustion is their only business plan. Wake up! Divest!
The Great Cartel of Carbon (parody)
Sad to tell, the road to hell is paved with CO2.
Better Keep It Clean
If you want to keep your water, better keep it clean.
You’ve Got to Bend
To Harvard: If you want to be a leader, you just have to lead!
Your House is Burning
Climate deniers: Wake up! Your house is on fire!
Subsidies (parody)
Without subsidies, fossil fuels can no longer compete.
Dominion Song
Dominion Power: why Virginia energy policy is so far behind.