Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

Complete Song List

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2020 is over. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
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I'm not going to break quarantine early to please Trump.
All I Want is H2O “Live”
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Video by Mike Wicklein. On stage with Josh Fox.
All I Want is H2O
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How fracking endangers your drinking water.
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A song for the "March For Our Lives" movement.
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Humanity has created its own geologic era. Really.
Apocalypse Isn’t So Cheap
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There will never be people free as the fossil fuel industry.
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Time for weathermen to tell the truth.
As Others See Us
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Inspired by Robert Burns' famous poem
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Climate change is driving refugees north.
Ballad of the Golden Goose
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Only takes a few degrees, earth will shake us off like fleas.
The Ballad of Pope Francis  
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Climate denial's a sin, and a crime against all.
Beautiful Poison
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GMO foods are beautiful to look at, BUT...
The Better I Used to Be
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You never know when common sense might catch on.
Better Keep It Clean
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If you want to keep your water, better keep it clean.
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The space we're living in is as thin as your skin.
Black Serpent
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Brave Lakota face the Dakota Pipeline juggernaut.
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For a toddler-in-chief richly deserving impeachment.
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Threatening women's rights and dignity is foolish.
Chasing Ice Blues
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How can I simplify? Miami's gonna say goodbye.
The Climate Gamblers
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If you're betting on tomorrow, divest from fossil fuels today!
Democracy is Not For Sale
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In 2010, the Supreme Court sold us to the highest bidder.
Don’t Come Crying to Me
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Be careful what you vote for.
Elephant Loose on Wall Street
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Stranded assets are an economic time bomb..
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A story about Florida in the days of climate change.
Exxon Knew
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Exxon has been lying about climate for over 40 years.
Exxon Knew All Along
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The crime of the century. Really.
Falling Once Again
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A retired doctor experiences cancer treatment.
Fast Track Blues
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Corporate laws higher than the US Constitution? Beware.
For Bidder 70
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A song for Tim DeChristopher, a true American patriot.
Fracking is Everywhere
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Something is going on, Pennsylvania, down on the farm.
Fracking’s Just a Bad Dream
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Don't poison your water. Energy ain't cheap if it ain't clean.
The Free Market (parody)
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It's not free if it destroys your habitat!
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"Freedom" is not just an excuse to threaten your neighbor.
Giant Banks
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Why US needs public banking (like many other countries).
God & Money
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You talk about truth while you're spreading lies
The Good New Days
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A vision of our world after fossil fuels. Looks good to me!
A Good Planet is Hard to Find
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It's the only home we have. Let's not screw it up!
Got A Feeling
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What happens to privacy in a high-tech age?
The Great Cartel of Carbon (parody)
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Sad to tell, the road to hell is paved with CO2.
The Heart of Nebraska
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Ground zero for stopping the Keystone XL pipeline.
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A pep talk to step into our higher selves!
Humbolt County GMO-free!
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Tell 'em no to GMO. I'm proud of you, Humboldt!
Hush Money
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New York's criminal court hits it out of the park.
It’s All About You
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Climate isn't just about polar bears. It's about you.
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A song about the Jan. 6th assault on the Capitol.
It’s Love or It’s Money
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Destroying our only home for profit is nuts!
Just Say No to GMO !
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Why do 90% of Americans want GMO foods to be labeled?
Just So Big
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It's just so big, and you feel so small
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It's just so big, you feel so small.
Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!
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America deserves better than government by money.
Mr. Kavanaugh
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And here's to you, Mr. Kavanaugh!
Keeps On Coming Down
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Sea change, losing shorelines and history.
Land of the Free
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Chained to sugar, TV, cell phones, capital gain....
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It doesn't just turn to dust underground!
The Lawyer Song
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Better treat people right!
Leaving California
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How long can people remain here?
Long Has The Earth
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Locking ourselves out of Eden once again.
National Security Blues
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Those who would trade liberty for safety will get neither.
No Corporations in Heaven
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Imagine if people had more power than corporations.
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How a famous conversation really went down...
The NRA Blues
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Look who's taking money from the NRA.
Oh, Monsanto (parody)
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Oh, Monsanto, now don't you lie to me...
Only a Fool
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Why pay for fuel, when you can get it for free?
Only Love Will Save this Place
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To the free market, all the world is a "sacrifice zone".
Planet “B”
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So you think we can find another home?
Positively Drone Street
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Foreign children see our weapons falling from the sky.
Precarious Paradise
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It was only a field of dreams, uninsurable happy schemes.
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Unregulated corporations will eat us all alive.
Real People Have Heart
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To help the Supreme Court tell people from corporations!
Remember Who (2023)
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Remember who's in love with you.
Remember Who
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To my bride on our 40th anniversary.
Remembering How to Dream
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Some things seem impossible, then you win.
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You don't believe "climate science?" Really?
Seattle, Don’t Back Down!
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David vs. Goliath. Seattle goes into battle in kayaks.
Shoveling Coal on a Runaway Train
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Stop the train. The bridge is out.
Shoveling Coal on a Runaway Train
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In a hot world, stop burning things!
The Social Cost of Carbon
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Here are a few of the hidden costs of fossil fuels.
Solar Spill
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Who's gonna pay the bill for a solar spill?
Some Get Wise
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Some get old, some get wise.
Song for West Virginia
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Hostage to the coal industry for over a hundred years.
Subsidies (parody)
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Without subsidies, fossil fuels can no longer compete.
The Sunshine State
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Utilities say it's too cloudy for solar in the Sunshine State!
Take the High Road
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There's room at the table, just don't take it all!
Talking ’bout Freedom
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Pay attention! We're going back to being ruled by kings.
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Banning books is like lying to your children.
That Is Not The Case
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Combustion is their only business plan. Wake up! Divest!
There Will Not be a King
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The Supreme Court is paving the way for American kings. Beware!
Three Pack-a-Day Sky
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Canada is on fire. Burn the forests and they burn us back.
It’s Time for a Change
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The 1% bring us only poverty and endless war.
Too Many Guns
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The American weapons industry is causing us pain.
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Humans are crowding out all other animal life on Earth.
Too Much Skin
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Naked voters convince priggish Congress to act on climate!
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How did Americans get so divided?
The Devil Himself
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Trading your health and water for money is a devil's bargain.
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War is big business, but bad for most of us.
We Should Have Known Better!
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Giant banks will continue to cause us pain.
When I’m Sixty-Five
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Don't let Congress take your social security.
What Do You Mean By Freedom?
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The 1% can rob you with a seven-letter word.
What Will Happen to our Daughters?
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The health care issue is simply about men controlling women.
What Will Happen to our Daughters / 2022
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They've got a plan, just like the Taliban.
What You Reap
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Beware! Look what America has been sowing.
What’s in a Number?
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Here are a few important numbers about climate change.
World on Fire
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Climate is life or death. Choose life!
You’ve Got to Bend
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To Harvard: If you want to be a leader, you just have to lead!
You’ve Got to be Good
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America, if you want to be great, you’ve got to be good!
Your House is Burning
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Climate deniers: Wake up! Your house is on fire!
Dominion Song
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Dominion Power: why Virginia energy policy is so far behind.
The NRA Lottery
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Will it be you? Will it be me? It's the NRA lottery.
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Trump's lies are a strategy to create a false world.
Where Does Plastic Come From?
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Where plastic comes from, and where it ends up...
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I know all that water isn't real, but it sure is cold!
Wall Street and Washington
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They play us like a fiddle tune.
Can’t Trust the Groundhog
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Can't Trust the Groundhog
Never Going Home
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Never Going Home
Too Many People
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Too Many People
Scott Pruitt’s EPA
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Scott Pruitt's EPA - Everyone Pollute America!
Follow Me
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Follow Me
EPA Blues / Give Me Water
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Before the EPA, our rivers were catching fire. Beware!
Willie Sutton’s Blues
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The best way to rob a bank these days is to own one.
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We can learn to talk to each other again.
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A farewell parody to Donald Trump.
Keeping an Eye on You (love song from the NSA)
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Keeping an Eye on You (love song from the NSA)
It’s Only a Vaccination
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It's only a vaccination! Get up and get your shot!
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The LA wildfires...You're looking at a crime scene.