Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

A Little Climate Music

A Little Climate Music (2016)

This first album (2016) was an experiment: With the mounting urgency of climate disruption, and so many people in denial about this dry, complex and scary topic, could music help break the ice?  Could “Climate Music” help us get around resistance to critical information? I put this album out in the hopes that younger and more talented people might pick up on the idea…

Here are some stories: What happened when solar power suddenly became cheaper than fossil fuels; A reminder that this burning world is our only home; The hidden menace of fracking; What a miracle clean drinking water is, and the foolishness of contaminating it in pursuit of cheap energy; An intro to the biosphere, the living part of our world. While the world may look vast, the biosphere is actually as thin as the skin of a peach; The 40 -year campaign from the oil and coal industry to misinform us about the climate threat and delay climate action; The drama of a 2015 showdown in Elliott Bay (Seattle) between fearless “kayaktivists” and Shell Oil’s behemoth Arctic drilling ship; Another real-life showdown (2015) at the Vatican when an operative from the fossil-friendly Heartland Institute tries to disrupt a meeting between the church and climate scientists; A reminder that with solar, you pay for technology, but the fuel is free; Carbon fuels, however, have many hidden costs that are far greater than we think;  Finally, a reminder of what a special planet we call home!

Solar Spill
Play song:
Who's gonna pay the bill for a solar spill?
Your House is Burning
Play song:
Climate deniers: Wake up! Your house is on fire!
Fracking’s Just a Bad Dream
Play song:
Don't poison your water. Energy ain't cheap if it ain't clean.
Better Keep It Clean
Play song:
If you want to keep your water, better keep it clean.
Play song:
The space we're living in is as thin as your skin.
Exxon Knew All Along
Play song:
The crime of the century. Really.
Seattle, Don’t Back Down!
Play song:
David vs. Goliath. Seattle goes into battle in kayaks.
The Ballad of Pope Francis  
Play song:
Climate denial's a sin, and a crime against all.
Only a Fool
Play song:
Why pay for fuel, when you can get it for free?
Long Has The Earth
Play song:
Locking ourselves out of Eden once again.
The Social Cost of Carbon
Play song:
Here are a few of the hidden costs of fossil fuels.
A Good Planet is Hard to Find
Play song:
It's the only home we have. Let's not screw it up!