Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

Illusions of Freedom

The idea of “freedom” is one of the most deeply cherished American ideals. Yet, it seems to mean very different things to different people. A great many people will go to great lengths defending the Second Amendment, without really understanding exactly what it says. Hence, we have a system that enables virtually anyone access to battlefield weapons, resulting in between 600 and 700 mass shootings in the United States every year since 2020.

Do we really think this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind? An idea of freedom enabling one citizen to routinely terrorize and threaten others?

Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. Today it has indeed acquired “unwarranted influence” over our national priorities. The US military budget equals the next 7 largest in the world combined. Has it made us safer?  Our infrastructure, meanwhile, is in disrepair, schools decay and millions of Americans worry about losing health care.

National security in the 21st century depends on the basics: Food, water, and energy. Global warming dries up rivers and threatens crops. Today’s tragedy in Syria began with climate disruption. Our military are fully aware of this, calling climate a “threat multiplier”. It’s our politicians that are blocking action, and the corporations they serve.  Getting to know our neighbors is a better strategy than stocking up on guns at home. Likewise, being responsible leaders in a complex world is better than exhausting our treasure on military power, while our children go begging at home.

Don’t Come Crying to Me
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Be careful what you vote for.
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Trump's lies are a strategy to create a false world.
The NRA Lottery
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Will it be you? Will it be me? It's the NRA lottery.
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Threatening women's rights and dignity is foolish.
There Will Not be a King
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The Supreme Court is paving the way for American kings. Beware!
Hush Money
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New York's criminal court hits it out of the park.
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A pep talk to step into our higher selves!
Shoveling Coal on a Runaway Train
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Stop the train. The bridge is out.
What Will Happen to our Daughters / 2022
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They've got a plan, just like the Taliban.
Land of the Free
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Chained to sugar, TV, cell phones, capital gain....
As Others See Us
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Inspired by Robert Burns' famous poem
Wall Street and Washington
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They play us like a fiddle tune.
Got A Feeling
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What happens to privacy in a high-tech age?
Talking ’bout Freedom
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Pay attention! We're going back to being ruled by kings.
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A song about the Jan. 6th assault on the Capitol.
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How did Americans get so divided?
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"Freedom" is not just an excuse to threaten your neighbor.
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A song for the "March For Our Lives" movement.
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War is big business, but bad for most of us.
The NRA Blues
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Look who's taking money from the NRA.
It’s Time for a Change
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The 1% bring us only poverty and endless war.
What Do You Mean By Freedom?
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The 1% can rob you with a seven-letter word.
National Security Blues
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Those who would trade liberty for safety will get neither.
Real People Have Heart
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To help the Supreme Court tell people from corporations!
Positively Drone Street
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Foreign children see our weapons falling from the sky.
Too Many Guns
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The American weapons industry is causing us pain.
What Will Happen to our Daughters?
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The health care issue is simply about men controlling women.