Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

No PLanet “B”

Earth is one-of-a-kind, and we stand to lose a critical feature if we don’t act in time. For 11,000 years, we have enjoyed a stable global climate and growing seasons, making possible agriculture, cities, and human civilization. This is now changed. Scientists all agree that we are changing the climate, mainly by burning coal, gas and oil. The only deniers are connected to the fossil fuel industry, deceiving the public for decades. Even now, coastal cities plan barriers against rising seas, and the rest of the world is on board with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The Trump administration shamefully put America in reverse, but after arduous negotiations with a very difficult Congress, the Biden administration had a very big victory with the Inflation Reduction Act (2022). Despite the name, the IRA has been the most important single piece of climate legislation to date, attracting hundreds of billions of dollars of foreign and domestic investment in the American clean energy industry. It’s a huge step, but we have many miles to go.

Economy vs Environment is a false tradeoff. There is no economy at all on a dead planet. All of our biology is exquisitely tailored to this planet, the gravity, the length of days and nights, the seasons, the composition of the atmosphere. We have only one home, and it’s worth preserving.

Energy experts agree that we can run the world on 100% clean, renewable energy. American cities like Georgetown, Texas,  Boone, North Carolina and Salt Lake City are leading the way. Earth is an extraordinary jewel in the vastness of space. Let’s take care of it – and ourselves.

Play song:
The LA wildfires...You're looking at a crime scene.
Where Does Plastic Come From?
Play song:
Where plastic comes from, and where it ends up...
Play song:
A pep talk to step into our higher selves!
Ballad of the Golden Goose
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Only takes a few degrees, earth will shake us off like fleas.
Some Get Wise
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Some get old, some get wise.
The Better I Used to Be
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You never know when common sense might catch on.
Precarious Paradise
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It was only a field of dreams, uninsurable happy schemes.
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Humans are crowding out all other animal life on Earth.
Just So Big
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It's just so big, and you feel so small
Apocalypse Isn’t So Cheap
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There will never be people free as the fossil fuel industry.
Can’t Trust the Groundhog
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Can't Trust the Groundhog
Never Going Home
Play song:
Never Going Home
Too Many People
Play song:
Too Many People
As Others See Us
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Inspired by Robert Burns' famous poem
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You don't believe "climate science?" Really?
It’s Love or It’s Money
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Destroying our only home for profit is nuts!
World on Fire
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Climate is life or death. Choose life!
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2020 is over. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Leaving California
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How long can people remain here?
Keeps On Coming Down
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Sea change, losing shorelines and history.
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A story about Florida in the days of climate change.
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It doesn't just turn to dust underground!
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How a famous conversation really went down...
Scott Pruitt’s EPA
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Scott Pruitt's EPA - Everyone Pollute America!
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I know all that water isn't real, but it sure is cold!
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Humanity has created its own geologic era. Really.
Chasing Ice Blues
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How can I simplify? Miami's gonna say goodbye.
Long Has The Earth
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Locking ourselves out of Eden once again.
It’s All About You
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Climate isn't just about polar bears. It's about you.
The Ballad of Pope Francis  
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Climate denial's a sin, and a crime against all.
A Good Planet is Hard to Find
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It's the only home we have. Let's not screw it up!
The Climate Gamblers
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If you're betting on tomorrow, divest from fossil fuels today!
What’s in a Number?
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Here are a few important numbers about climate change.
Planet “B”
Play song:
So you think we can find another home?
Humbolt County GMO-free!
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Tell 'em no to GMO. I'm proud of you, Humboldt!
Only Love Will Save this Place
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To the free market, all the world is a "sacrifice zone".
Remembering How to Dream
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Some things seem impossible, then you win.
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The space we're living in is as thin as your skin.
The Free Market (parody)
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It's not free if it destroys your habitat!
Your House is Burning
Play song:
Climate deniers: Wake up! Your house is on fire!
The Good New Days
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A vision of our world after fossil fuels. Looks good to me!