Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

Long Has The Earth
Play song:
Locking ourselves out of Eden once again.
It’s All About You
Play song:
Climate isn't just about polar bears. It's about you.
What’s in a Number?
Play song:
Here are a few important numbers about climate change.
Only Love Will Save this Place
Play song:
To the free market, all the world is a "sacrifice zone".
Remembering How to Dream
Play song:
Some things seem impossible, then you win.
Too Much Skin
Play song:
Naked voters convince priggish Congress to act on climate!
That Is Not The Case
Play song:
Combustion is their only business plan. Wake up! Divest!
You’ve Got to Bend
Play song:
To Harvard: If you want to be a leader, you just have to lead!
Your House is Burning
Play song:
Climate deniers: Wake up! Your house is on fire!