Precarious Paradise
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It was only a field of dreams, uninsurable happy schemes.
Chasing Ice Blues
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How can I simplify? Miami's gonna say goodbye.
The Social Cost of Carbon
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Here are a few of the hidden costs of fossil fuels.
Long Has The Earth
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Locking ourselves out of Eden once again.
Solar Spill
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Who's gonna pay the bill for a solar spill?
It’s All About You
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Climate isn't just about polar bears. It's about you.
Exxon Knew All Along
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The crime of the century. Really.
Elephant Loose on Wall Street
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Stranded assets are an economic time bomb..
The Ballad of Pope Francis
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Climate denial's a sin, and a crime against all.
Seattle, Don’t Back Down!
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David vs. Goliath. Seattle goes into battle in kayaks.
Fracking’s Just a Bad Dream
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Don't poison your water. Energy ain't cheap if it ain't clean.
What’s in a Number?
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Here are a few important numbers about climate change.
Only Love Will Save this Place
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To the free market, all the world is a "sacrifice zone".
Remembering How to Dream
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Some things seem impossible, then you win.
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The space we're living in is as thin as your skin.
Too Much Skin
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Naked voters convince priggish Congress to act on climate!
That Is Not The Case
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Combustion is their only business plan. Wake up! Divest!
The Great Cartel of Carbon (parody)
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Sad to tell, the road to hell is paved with CO2.
You’ve Got to Bend
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To Harvard: If you want to be a leader, you just have to lead!
For Bidder 70
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A song for Tim DeChristopher, a true American patriot.
Your House is Burning
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