Earth Doctor / Climate Troubadour

Clean Energy Rocks!

Wind and solar power are now cheaper than fossil fuels, and getting cheaper every day. The US Department of Energy is aiming toward a solar energy cost of 2¢/kWh in the near future (average US residential price currently 12¢/kWh).

Economic powerhouse: Renewables now provide more than twice as many jobs as coal, gas and oil combined.  Investors are moving their money out of fossil fuels into clean energy investments, for higher returns as well as for lower risk.

Healthier families: Harvard study: $38 billion economic benefit from shifting to clean power, due to reduced medical costs from eliminating air pollution.

• Bloomberg Business: Wind and Solar Are Crushing Fossil Fuels
• WRI: Fact Sheet: Clean Energy Jobs Growth in the US
• Video, 3:00: A 100% Renewable Economy. Mark Jacobson, Stanford University